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הרבה תמר אלעד-אפלבאום.jpeg

Rabbi tamar applebaum

The founder and head of the Beit Midrash is a partner in the Beit Midrash for the Israeli rabbinate of the Hartman Institute and the Midrash in Oranim, and the founder of Zion Community: Eretz Yisrael community in the United States. Served as rabbi of Magen Avraham communities in the Negev and of a community in the suburbs of New York; As deputy dean at the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary in Jerusalem. Member of the board of "Teg Meir", the Joint Mission Scroll, the Public Council of 929, the International Jewish Council for Bindati Dialogue with the Vatican and more. Author of the interpretation of the Ha'aretz Ha'aretz to the treatise Avot in Sefer Lev Shalem, co-editor of the Firebird: an anthology of Jerusalem's poetry from the House of the Lord of the Spirit In 2010, Forward magazine named her one of the five most influential religious leaders in Israel for her work to promote human dignity, pluralism, freedom and Jewish responsibility.


Rabbi Yahiel Grenimann

Born in Australia, immigrated to Israel in 1973, lives in Jerusalem, member of the Yedidia community (Orthodox), married to Debbie, father of four, grandfather of four, and engaged in writing and painting. In the years 2006 - 2015, he served as the director of the Department for Activities in the Territories in the Rabbinate for Human Rights. From 2015 until he retired in 2018, he was responsible for organizational development in the organization. Before that, he served as a board member of the organization and served as treasurer (2003-2006) and chairman of the executive committee (2000-2003). Rabbi Greiniman also serves as a member of the board of the "Teg Meir" forum. Worked for many years as a community rabbi and conversion teacher on behalf of the movement for traditional Judaism.

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Rabbi Dani Danieli

Secular humanist rabbi, organizational consultant and mentor for managers. In the past, he was the founding director and deputy general manager of Beit Avi Chai, a Jewish-Israeli cultural center in Jerusalem. In his professional career, he was involved in cultural and Jewish identity initiatives, from dialogue initiatives ("Reconciliation Decree") - a curriculum adapted to secular pre-military and religious-secular preparatory courses. An activist for human rights and for those who leave the question.


Married to Liora, father of three and grandfather of five


Rabbi Ruti Baidatz

Chairman of the Executive Committee of Kol Rabani for Human Rights since 2022. Resident of Yavnal, mother of three. Teaches Israeli thought at Beit Yarah High School on the Kinneret language. Has a master's degree in cultural studies from the Hebrew University, and is certified as a secular humanist rabbinate at Beit Midrash "Tamura - Israeli Judaism". Maintains activities of the Shikha community (seekers of humanistic secular Judaism) at Bibanal, and chairperson of the Rahab - Council of Secular Rabbis in Israel. Facilitates midrash schools for different audiences, youth, KADZ preparatory schools and adults, as well as teacher training courses for professions inherited from different religions, for Bindati learning.

הוועד המנהל

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Rabbi dovi avigor

Secular humanist rabbi, lives in Barkaft, married and father of four, grandfather of six. Engaged in rituals in Judaism, with spiritual accompaniment. Member of the board of the LILACH association (to live and die with dignity) which promotes the avoidance of suffering before death. Participates in accompanying shepherds, harvesting and other activities, mainly with the Arab citizens of Israel. Also active in Marev - a group of volunteers in Meshgav that deals with accompanying the sick and those who are life-threatening.

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Rabbi David goodman

Rabbi of the Avraham Heritage community (the traditional community in Talfiot-Mizrah, Jerusalem), which he leads in a shared rabbinic model together with his wife, Amirit Rosen. Involved in cultural initiatives in the United States and in projects that promote interfaith dialogue and mutual respect between religions and peoples. As part of his studies, he studies the theological transformations that took place in the twenty-first century and the consequences of French philosophy in the twentieth century on the design of these transformations. Studied in a large number of midrash schools, including the Hartman Institute's Beit Midrash, Yeshiva Atniel and Beit Midrash Harel - where he received certification in 2019. David was trained to participate in and lead interfaith dialogue within the fellowship program of the international organization KAICIID. David and Amirit have two daughters, Orot and Kedem.


Rabbi Noa Mazor 

Qualified rabbi since 2016. Her first rabbinic job was managing the interreligious department in the rabbis for human rights. Noa is an educator and activist, who works in different ways to change social perceptions, believing in creating connections and bridges between women from different sects, denominations, and religions. Has a bachelor's degree in the "Ofakim" program for Jewish studies as a culture from Tel Aviv University, and a master's degree in pluralistic Jewish education from the Hebrew University and Hebrew Union College.


Rabbi Liora Cerchini Vard 

She was born in Jerusalem and grew up and was educated in the reform movement. Has a bachelor's and master's degree in the history of the people of Israel. Worked as a teacher, volunteer coordinator and head of Telam's pre-military preparatory school in Jaffa and managed Telam's youth.

In 2017, she was ordained to the rabbinate at Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem and since then she has been serving as a rabbi and spiritual leader in the Nigun Halab community in the Jezreel Valley. A social activist, a woman of music and culture and an activist in the field of interreligious dialogue and shared life.


Married to Amit and mother to Eitan, Dan and Ari.



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jacob lazarus
English media


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aseel rian
logistics coordinator

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Kamer Suad

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field coordinator 


rabbi sigal asher
director of rights center

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ezra brownstein


 + Grant writer

compliance officer 

rabbi dana sharon
director of rabbis network

אנטון גודמן

anton goodman
director of partnerships

OPT's department director 

Attorney becky

social justice 
department director


קול רבני לזכויות אדם היא עמותה רשומה החל משנת 1990. אנו עומדים בכל תנאי החוק והמנהל התקין, ע"פ חוק העמותות ועל פי דרישות רשם העמותות. לעמותה אישור ניהול תקין מרשם העמותות, וכלל פרטיה, שמות התורמים והמאזנים הכספיים המלאים מתפרסמים באתר גיידסטאר.


חזקו אותנו בתרומה


טלפון במשרד: 02-6482757 

פקס: 02-6783611

דואר אלקטרוני: 


קול רבני לזכויות אדם

מס׳ עמותה: 580151967

שד׳ ש״י עגנון 22, ירושלים

מיקוד: 9358954

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